Monday, August 12, 2013

130720 Fan Support Project Spelled out Members' Names @ Taipei, Taiwan

2013 Girls' Generation World Tour "Girls & Peace" in Taipei

SONEs spelled out the words 

Top Comments:
  • It is the first letter of their korean name like TAEyeon is ¨태¨, JEssica is 제, SUnny is 써, TIffany 티, HYOyeon 효, YUri 유, SOOyoung 수, YOONa 윤, SEOhyun 서.. and if you can see is the formed by the OLDEST to the YOUNGEST. 

  • 工作人員事前進去放在座椅上的,當然有跟主辦單位接洽過,其實所­有應援活動都要經過韓方審核同意後才能進行,舉牌應援時機和口號­都在每張字牌後面,這場是20號的有排字,手幅(祝賀6周年快樂­)和氣球party,21號有手幅(因為有你們我很幸福)大合唱­,彩帶海和fany生日應援

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