Saturday, December 3, 2011

Taeyeon Day

3rd Album Thank You Messages

What Taeyeon wrote...haha love her last line XD

First of all, thank you to our members who have worked hard together and suffered together!
My loving members, whom I love, remember our health! Let’s not be sick! And thank you so much for being there for each other.. and for supporting each other.
It’d be nice if we could start wonderfully and smile until the end for this album as well!
Nobody can touch SNSD when we’re well armed! We’re the best! Hurray! keke

To my family, whom I need no words for. The only people who have a part of me, my family.
Thank you this time around again^^ I love you, and you are so dear to me. Let’s go on many trips together!
You are always considerate.. and you are always helping me understand what it is to be wise, and you are always ready whenever and wherever.
I thank you for having that heart.. I will be like you^^ I will try harder and concentrate. Thank you, I miss you!

Also, to those who always make me laugh! Our proud SMTOWN sunbaes and hoobaes, let’s get to know each other more. Heh heh heh.
And lastly… my friends whom I’m most thankful for and who are always at my side, giving me strength while I lend you mine, and for always feeling everything with me.. SONE^^ Thank you so, so much.
I’m thankful and I’m sorry that we are able to share our happiness and sadness with each other.
Because there are so many people, even far away across oceans that I can share my feelings with.. I want to make you much more happy^^
We’re counting on you again SONEs!! I love you, ahhehehe keke

And lastly for real, Taeyeon, you’ve worked hard..

cr: Soshified

Old Pictures tho...

And YoonYul...

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