Girls' Generation Tiffany
Girls' Generation Yuri
This is just a blog for sharing SNSD's latest updates, news, photos & videos with my friends. I don't take credit for anything posted here. Please feel free to tell your friends about this blog (: And don't forget to check out the Korean-style Chinese fansite:
Friday, March 24, 2017
170208 少女時代沒解散的原因 @一個人生活如何?
SNSD also argues with each other but they can maintain a good relationship
King Taeyeon Day

Monday, March 20, 2017
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Friday, March 17, 2017
170306 太妍想挑戰做家具@ 金申英正午的希望曲
Taeyeon 태연 wants to interior design furniture radio show Kim Shin-Young shinyoung 傢俬 設計 泰妍
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Thursday, March 9, 2017
170309 KingTaeguDay Happy Birthday Taeyeon
[From. TAEYEON] 사랑하는 소원💜
사랑하는 소원💜 안녕하세요 태연입니다! 벌써 2017년의 3월이네요. 아직 날씨가 조금 쌀쌀하지만 그래도 왠지 모르게 봄이라는 단어에 살랑살랑하기도 하고 이런저런 생각도 많아지고 막 그러네요^^ 오늘은 바로 저의 29번째 생일이었죠. 정말 많은 분께 축하도 받고 난 정말 행복한 사람이구나... 라는걸 느꼈어요. 그리고 심지어! 음악방송에서 여러분이 만들어준 파이니 1위 소식은 그 어떤 선물보다도 최고😍 정말 최고의 생일선물을 소원에게 받아서 더욱 뿌듯한 하루. 행복한 생일이네요 ! 최근 저의 첫 정규앨범의 발매와 여러분이 제 옆에 있다는 생각만 하면 밥 안먹어도 배부르고 든든하고 막 그렇다 헤헤 내 보물들 💜 앞으로도 더 좋은 음악들로 보답할게요. 우리오래가자😍 사랑해 소원
親愛的SONE💜 大家好我是太妍! 已經是2017年的3月了呢 雖然天氣還有些涼爽 但似乎有種春天這個詞彙輕輕來到了這樣的想法了呢^^ 今天正好是我的第29個生日. 真的收到很多人的祝褔 感受到了...我真的是很幸福的人啊... 還有甚至! 音樂節目中由各位所給予而獲得1位的消息 比起任何禮物來說是最棒的😍 最棒的生日禮物能從SONE那邊收到 真的是更加滿足的一天 是很幸福的生日呢! 只要想到最近我的第一張正規專輯和各位在我身旁 即使不吃飯也覺得很滿足很可靠 就是那樣嘿嘿我的寶物們💜 以後會以更棒的音樂報答你們的 我們一起長久走下去吧😍 撒郎嘿SONE CR.amei22887
Beloved SONE Hello, this is Taeyeon! It's already March 2017. The weather's still chilly, but the word spring is somewhat gentle and made me think about this and that^^ Today is my 29th birthday. I received of birthday wishes from a lot of people, and felt... I'm really a happy person. And, also! Hearing that you all got Fine #1 on a music show was better than any other gift. Receiving the greatest birthday present from SONE made today even more satisfying. It's a happy birthday! With my recent album release, thinking about how you all are next to me makes me feel full and reassured without even eating and stuff like that. hehe my treasures. I will continue to repay you with good music. Let's go on for a long time I love you, SONE.
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