Saturday, November 4, 2017

【YOONAYA独家】171027 The Seoul Awards YoonA

Videos are shot by yoonaya of yoonaya——

Friday, October 27, 2017

Yoona @ red carpet and magazine photo shoot

171025 Yoona - 54th Daejong Film Awards Red Carpet, 超過💯分

171027 Yoona - The 1st Seoul Awards Red Carpet

[Yoona Weibo] 📸

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Saturday, July 22, 2017

170722 Yoona @ H:Connect event in Taipei, Taiwan

小鹿 女神 少時 潤娥 台灣 台北 出席活動時說中文 少女時代 允兒 SNSD Girls' Generation Yoona Yoong speaking Chinese Taiwan Taipei H:Connect event no translator 暴風中文 十級 中字 新聞 報道 news report subtitles

Saturday, June 17, 2017

170610-11 Taeyeon 「Persona」Concert in Hong Kong

Speaking Cantonese 真係太難忘,所以試下將佢講過嘅廣東話放埋一齊.
00:00 - 00:53 170610 畫面麻麻,但都聽到嘅
00:54 - 03:00 170611 心心嗰度係遺憾 , 家妺妺就...

170611 粉絲跟著喊Yeah 太妍大媽笑 @演唱會 SONEs following Taeyeon to say Yi-Yeah, and her ajumma laugh