Taeyeon Mr. Taxi Cartoon Version (anime)
cr: We are SONEs on fb + as tagged
Black Ocean vs. Pink Ocean...
SNSD @ Family Outing 2 Performance for Army
少女時代臨時公演勞軍之南韓軍人大暴走(SNSD's uninformed performance for army)
[中字] SBS Gayo Daejun Preview CF (SNSD ver.) Chinese sub
111226 SBS歌謠大戰預告(少女時代篇)
Right now, it's Girls' Generation~~!!!!! .gif
Merry Christmas!! Hohoho~~
Blu-ray Japan First Tour 1080p Quality O.O
Since they were going to be late to the fanmeet in Korea, they called in advance and left a message:
Video @ the Fanmeet in Korea
Loop. We still like it X)
Monmon never disappoints. Good job!
Great FMV - 봄날(How Great Is Your Love)
SNSD - Complete [Karaoke + Rom + Eng Sub]
The song that every Sone should know how to sing~~
Another Yoona Tribute (I might have posted this before...)
Yuri's mistake....lol @ recent Mr. Tax performance haha
Talk @ Concert
Tiffany the official translator ^.^
XinMSN Press Conference [Unlisted links]
hahaha lol @ Singapore Concert
[Taeny] TY proposed to Tiffany: Will you marry me?
cr: Sones on fb
Yes...I wish, too...
cr: Sones on fb
少女時代(SNSD) - Say Yes FMV
SNSD 少女時代 太妍 Taeyeon_She's So Lovely
Just too Lovely!!!!!
SNSD! There is not another group like this
I'd say: There was not, is not and WILL NOT be another group like this.
SMTown Winter Album with only SNSD -fanmade
cr: as logo
SNSD and Family
淑女 Pure Elegance, Im Yoona~
Cool way of playing a fancam (backward)
TY @ JTBC Opening
SNSD Chinese Conversation (Part 1)
(Part 2)
【中字】111206 SNSD @ MAMA花絮
Chinese sub MAMA Awards backstage
I personally like this version more.
[HD] 111207 Girls' Generation SNSD - Mr Taxi @ FNS Music Festival
a warmhearted snsd Taeyeon_bwana POS
少女時代(SNSD) - My J
FMV summary of the 2 Running Man episodes with SNSD zzang!
SNSD YuRi Winks, Stares & Looks at You
Difference between the old and new (repackaged) albums -- The Boys, Mr. Taxi, and 1st Japanese Album - Girls' Generation
cr: Sones on fb
Latest SNSD Height :)
Latest SNSD Weight :D
我聽說這是李白的某首詩 0.0
地近行程 少,
無限燕趙 女。
憶昔全盛 時,
自此修文 代。
過盡 少 年日,
有如 女 蘿草。
翰墨 時 招侶,
木蘭 代 父去。
酒酣出送 我,
不覓他人 愛。
邊地鶯花 少,
憶昔西潭 時。
哇 S<3NE 歷史悠久^_____^ 連李白都系少時fans:D
3rd Album Thank You Messages
What Taeyeon wrote...haha love her last line XD
First of all, thank you to our members who have worked hard together and suffered together!
My loving members, whom I love, remember our health! Let’s not be sick!
And thank you so much for being there for each other.. and for
supporting each other.
It’d be nice if we could start wonderfully and smile until the end for this album as well!
Nobody can touch SNSD when we’re well armed! We’re the best! Hurray! keke
To my family, whom I need no words for. The only people who have a part of me, my family.
Thank you this time around again^^ I love you, and you are so dear to me. Let’s go on many trips together!
You are always considerate.. and you are always helping me understand
what it is to be wise, and you are always ready whenever and wherever.
I thank you for having that heart.. I will be like you^^ I will try harder and concentrate. Thank you, I miss you!
Also, to those who always make me laugh! Our proud SMTOWN sunbaes and hoobaes, let’s get to know each other more. Heh heh heh.
And lastly… my friends whom I’m most thankful for and who are always at
my side, giving me strength while I lend you mine, and for always
feeling everything with me.. SONE^^ Thank you so, so much.
I’m thankful and I’m sorry that we are able to share our happiness and sadness with each other.
Because there are so many people, even far away across oceans that I can
share my feelings with.. I want to make you much more happy^^
We’re counting on you again SONEs!! I love you, ahhehehe keke
And lastly for real, Taeyeon, you’ve worked hard..
cr: Soshified
Old Pictures tho...
And YoonYul...
Seo Hyun and KyuHyun Duet at SMTOWN new york- Way Back into Love
[HKSONE]12.5 YURI 生日影片。
HKSONE Production! Daebak! Nice song pick!
Happy early Birthday, Yuri~~
Yoong at MAMA kept looking back to the camera <3
My blog's stress test...
Just gotta love the fanchant! GG!
The girls are truly angels~ Love Sharing~
Yoona was too nice. holding that guy's hand...
[Eng Sub] [111201] SNSD Cut @ 100 Million Quiz Show
【中字】111119 Yoona @ innisfree socks band
Chinese Subtitle
I would love to be in that store when that happens.
少女時代說中文 SNSD speaking Chinese
[FMV] Work hard, play hard
One of the comments: 最近學校的事搞得壓力很大..今天好不容易結束了但覺得很累.. 來的真的是時候 回到家就能看到歐尼笑顏的心情 心裡的甜能壓過任何苦 金泰妍小孩般的笑、西卡賣萌的笑、小太陽惡搞又放肆的大笑、黃美
SNSD 少女時代 Yuri - 十分滿分的十分
another 10 out of 10 points FMV
The Victory Moment~! @MAMA Awards 2012
Cute Taeyeon. Pout face?
The Wink :) from Fany Diffany